What does video production Entail? Kalanset Media Explains
A quick look at what video production entails.
If someone were to ask me to describe video production, I believe it would take me a while to process the question because that single question, “what is video production?” requires more than just a Webster’s dictionary answer…I’m not sure if we still use Webster’s dictionary, maybe I should say “it requires more than a chatGPT response”. The point is, “What is Video Production?” is a nebulous question and requires more follow up questions than answers, however, to appease the immediacy of the question, video production is simply the process of creating a video.
BUT, and it’s a big “but”, “what is the video?” should be the first response. Are we trying to film a car chase or are we trying to capture a live speech? On the outset, one could seem much easier than the other and, mostly, one is. Car chasing can be insanely complex, while a live speech recording seems fairly simple. The two scenarios find their similarities in the breakdown of follow up questions.
For BOTH scenarios, we need to ask “How Good do you want it to look?”. Video production quality varies depending on the budget, the equipment, and the personnel’s experience level. If the car chase needs to look like it came out of the Fast and Furious movies than video production is now going to become quite complex, we’re talking 100’s of people and positions to fill. Does the budget support this? If yes, great! If no, then we go back to “How good do you want it to look”? Now, this is where the producer shines. They’re able to work with the Executives or the financiers or the owners of a small business and start dialing in the quality achievable to the budget available. A word of caution to my low-budget filmmakers out there, I’m in no way saying good work can’t be done on shoe string budgets, I’m simply suggesting…it’s gonna look different. It ain’t Michael Bay explosions on small budgets.
Now, even something as seemingly simple as filming a live speech, our go to response question stays the same. “How Good do you want it to look?” Is the filmmaker just setting up one camera, waist up and catching the speech? If yes, great. If no….
Is the filmmaker setting up multiple cameras, maybe one on a dolly system of some sort to get some dynamic movements, another camera only doing only closeups, and a final camera for a medium shot? With the latter set up, you’ll get an incredible final edit since there are vastly more camera angles. But each camera needs an operator. Each camera package needs to be comparable to the other and there are three in this scenario. We also need to consider audio. Are we setting up our own mic or lav on the speaker? If that’s not an option, do we have access to the sound board their microphone is attached to? Do we need our own sound op?
I think we can all see that Video Production is a vast web of questions and answers revolving around quality and budget and at the heart of our web is the central question “How good do you want it to look?”
Sometimes not looking like a high end Atlanta film isn’t a bad thing. You don’t always need the bells and whistles to shoot your film or commercial or special event. Sometimes you just need a good camera, a dependable shotgun mic, and solid camera operator – That’s cool. But sometimes Video Production means going down the rabbit hole with the money and the expectations to find the wonderland of video production.
At Kalanset Media, we have been serving Florida and The Tampa Bay Area and finding that balancing act that video production requires. We’ve done that by building relationships with our clients through honest and open communication by never making the experience of a pleasant video production limited to the budget available. Whether our clients come to us with 70 thousand or 7 thousand, we understand that both budgets come with their own set of trials; their own set of questions to make the video production happen.
If you’re interested in scheduling a free consultation to discuss your upcoming video production, then simply shoot an email to chris@kalansetmedia.com . You can also call or text Chris at 727-301-3001. We’ll work alongside you anywhere in Florida to make sure that your Video Production is a success.
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